8 Practical Ways to Work Less and Achieve More 

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Working less and achieving more is a familiar concept for many people, but it can be difficult in practice. Here are some practical tips for how to get out of the office, take breaks during the day, or just reduce stress on an overall basis.

Know what’s important.

Start by writing down your priorities and goals in one place. This way they’ll be easy to find when it comes time for action. It could be as simple as writing down some bullet points in a notebook or making an elaborate spreadsheet on Google Sheets with all the different projects you want to accomplish this year. Whatever method works best for you is fine.

Learn to make money fast and sustainably.

Once you have a job, there are also many easy ways to get money fast and sustainably. You may already have a few skills that could be put to use in the marketplace if you find yourself in need of extra money. Maybe it’s writing or editing skills or maybe it’s something else entirely. Either way, there are ways for everyone to start making their own money through freelance work and other ways that don’t require a large upfront investment like starting your own business might require.

Plan your day.

Planning your day will help you get more done. If you don’t plan your day, it’s hard to know what needs doing and where the time gaps are. By planning tasks and activities in advance, you can make sure that you have time for everything that needs doing.

Moreover, planning your day will help you do more of the things you enjoy. When we’re working, it’s easy to get stuck on things we don’t like doing or things we only need to do because they’re a part of our job description rather than because we want to do them (such as composing emails). By planning these tasks into specific times throughout the day, we can avoid procrastinating or feeling too stressed about them later on if they don’t get done in the way we’d hoped (which would make us feel even less motivated).

Furthermore, planning your day will help prevent procrastination. If something is going to take too long or won’t be enjoyable enough for you personally then there is no point putting off till tomorrow what you could easily do today instead. It might seem daunting at first but once mastered will become second nature over time.

Create a routine.

There are many reasons why routines are important. They help you get things done, they help you enter into a flow state, they save time and reduce stress, and they can even make you feel more productive.

A lot of people think that routines are boring, but if you think about it from a different point of view: Routines allow us to set goals for ourselves and follow through with them so that we can achieve our long-term objectives.

Use the right tools.

Tools are a great way to get things done faster. But not all tools are created equal. The right tool for the job means that it’s comfortable to use, and it helps you work faster or better than you could without it. If you’re using the right tool for the job, then chances are good that it will make your life easier in some way and help save time overall.

Take breaks to recharge your energy.

You might think that taking breaks is a sign of laziness, but the opposite is true. Taking breaks actually helps you to work more productively throughout the day. Breaks give your brain time to recharge and relax. You can use this time to stretch or take a walk around the office, or simply sit down for a few minutes and do some deep breathing exercises. It’s important not to rush through your breaks – even if it seems like you’re wasting time doing nothing.

Don’t forget about taking regular lunch breaks as well. It’s important for both your physical health and mental well-being to get away from your desk every 90 minutes or so (more often if possible). The simple act of getting up from your chair puts you in motion which helps clear out toxins from the body, and relieves stress by increasing circulation in the body and releasing endorphins which make us feel good.

Track what you’re doing.

When you stop and think about it, there are a lot of ways to track your time. You can use a timer. There are a lot of apps that keep track of all the things you need to do and remind you when those tasks are due. You could also just use an old-fashioned kitchen timer with a loud alarm.

Another option is using a to-do list. A simple way of keeping track of what needs to be done each day or week so it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle (and so you don’t end up spending too much time working). The best thing about having an online task manager like Trello or Wunderlist is that anyone on your team can access them from wherever they are—so if someone has an urgent request for training materials, for instance, he won’t have to interrupt his own workflow just because he’s not around at his desk when it comes up.

Get help if you can afford it.

You don’t have to do it all yourself, and it’s okay to ask for help. Ideally, you’ll hire someone who has experience in the industry you’re competing in; this way, they’ll know exactly what works and what doesn’t. Hiring an expert can be expensive, but if you can afford it. If not, don’t feel bad about asking for help.

The biggest benefit of hiring a virtual assistant is that they can take care of daily tasks that would otherwise distract you from higher priorities like growing your business or taking care of your team members’ needs. They’ll also make sure those important things get done on time.

For example, hire an accountant to take over bookkeeping so that you don’t have to deal with spreadsheets ever again. This will save you hours every week without sacrificing accuracy or quality control.

Another example is writing off a portion of their salary by using software that makes payroll and taxes easy. This will help you work less and get more accomplished.


If you want to be more productive, it’s time to start thinking about your time in a different way. The best way is not to work more hours, but rather work smarter and better.

About the Author

Monica is a passionate writer and content creator. Her interests include outdoor activities, fitness, technology, entrepreneurship and everything in between. Say hi to Monica on Twitter @monical_lee.

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