Self-love is not selfish: Ways to take care of yourself

Self-love is not selfish: Ways to take care of yourself
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Women are always in survival mode. Whether it be looking after the family, the house or fulfilling the demands of work, they are in a perpetual state of being busy.

As a result, they then tend to overlook themselves, and their wellbeing. Perhaps that is also the society’s expectations of women; they must constantly strive, ignoring nothing but themselves. 

Naturally, this state of unhealthy level of preoccupation with chores otherwise will have an impact on the wellbeing of women. Hence, it is important that they take steps to prioritize their wellbeing; being considerate to yourself is not being selfish but taking an essential and imperative step. 

Different forms of self-care that you must engage in

Pay attention to your physical health 

Ignoring your physical health will have implications for your welfare. Some women tend to ignore issues pertaining to their reproductive health, like painful periods or extreme symptoms of PMS. However, it is pertinent that women visit their gynecologist in Lahore and have their issues resolved. 

Similarly, whenever you face problems with your physical health, no matter how banal, you must seek a doctor’s opinion over it instead of shrugging it off. Know that timely intervention is vital for a good prognosis. 

Let your family fend for itself every now and then 

Women and their maternal instinct often causes them to be there for their family all the time, catering to all their needs. This is not a bad thing, but what about your own needs?

Letting your family fend for themselves every once in a while, and catching a break is not necessarily bad for them. When they are left alone, they will also realize the sheer amount of work that you do. It will also let you catch a breather. 

Sometimes, dinner can wait

Not making dinner once in a blue moon will not make you a bad figurehead or mother. You are a human being, and it is okay to not to want to make dinner when you are feeling down. 

Basically, when you pressure yourself to be perfect all the time, it can get to you, exhaust you and cause a burnout. So, it is completely fine if you don’t want to do a chore like cooking dinner; you can always order in or use the leftovers. 

Invest in your mental health

Investing in mental health is vital act of self-care. Working on your mental health is imperative for to improve the quality of your life. So, take steps that prioritize your mental wellbeing. 

Partake in activities like yoga, meditation, mindfulness, gratitude that help your mind become invigorated. If you are undergoing serious mental health crisis, then it is crucial that you seek help from a mental health expert. 

Make time for activities you like 

Making time out for the activities that you like is very important, for to not just unwind, but unless you do something that gives you pleasure, all that there’s left in your life are the sources of stress. 

You therefore need to take up hobbies, and then actively take out time for them. Whether it be doing crafts, or reading, calligraphy or painting, doing activities that help you relax will have a profound impact on the quality of your life. 

Your sexual health matters too!

Women and their sexual needs are often put on the back bench. The whole wham-bam-thank you ma’am leaves women without having their needs met. But having a satisfying sex life is not a luxury, but a basic need of women. 

If you are not having your needs met, it is imperative that you communicate it to your partner. Tell them what you like, what is not working out for you. 

Sometimes, sex can be downright painful for women. It could be on account of different health conditions; so, alongside visiting your gynecologist for resolution, talk also to your partner about this predicament. 

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