7 Things Included in a Deep Cleaning Service

Deep Cleaning Service
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Like most people, you probably don’t enjoy cleaning your home. It’s a tedious and time-consuming task that never seems to end. Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone who could do all the cleaning for you? A home deep cleaning service will do just that.

This blog will discuss the seven things included as a part of home deep cleaning services in Oklahoma City. Click here to learn more.

1. Dusting

The first basic in deep cleaning is to dust all surfaces. It includes ceiling fans, light fixtures, baseboards, and blinds. All the nooks and crannies in a home will be dusted so that no dust is left behind.

Some places in your home, like the basement, attic, and garage, may require special attention when dusting—for example, dusting the rafters in your attic or sweeping and mopping the floor in your basement.

2. Wood Floor Cleaning

If you want to wood floor cleaning service in Edmond, you need to look for a service that offers this type of cleaning. Some benefits of wood floor cleaning include the removal of pet hair, dander, and other allergens. Wood floor cleaning also disinfects surfaces and helps to remove any residual odors from pets or smoking.

In addition to wood floors, most deep cleaning services will vacuum all floors in your home. It is essential for removing dirt, dust, and other debris that can become trapped in fibers. If you have pets, removing any pet hair that could be transferred to other surfaces in your home is also essential.

Wood Floor Cleaning Services in Oklahoma will offer additional services like wood and corporate cleaning. These services can help keep your cleaning service looking new and extend its life.

3. Mopping

It involves more than just running a mop across the floor. In a deep clean, the entire floor will be washed with hot water and soap to remove any dirt, grime, or stains built up over time. It includes getting into all the nooks and crannies often missed during regular cleaning.

Floor sweeping machines will brush away all of this material and position it in such a way for better disposal. You might want to consider them like an automatic broom, but they actually do a much better job on most types of flooring than someone with a manual or even electric broom would.

For example, corners of your home like baseboards and moldings will be dusted and wiped down. Any cobwebs in the corners of your ceilings will also be removed.

Blinds and window sills will be dusted, and all windows will be cleaned inside and out (if you have a second story).

4. Cleaning the Kitchen, Including the Oven, Stovetop, and Refrigerator

Kitchens are one of a house’s most commonly used rooms, so keeping them clean is essential. A deep cleaning service will clean all surfaces, including the oven, stovetop, and refrigerator. They will also empty all cabinets and drawers and clean them thoroughly.

Oil stains, food splatters, and fingerprints can make your stovetop and oven look dirty even if they’re clean. A deep cleaning will remove all dirt, grime, and build-up on these surfaces. The refrigerator will also be cleaned inside and out, including the shelves, drawers, and door handles.

5. Cleaning the Bathrooms, Including Showers, Tubs, and Toilets

It is crucial to keep your bathroom clean, as it is one of your home’s most commonly used rooms. A deep cleaning service will ensure that every nook and cranny in your bathroom is sparkling clean. It includes scrubbing the showers, tubs, toilets, and sinks. They will also clean the tile, floors, and mirrors.

Professionals use unique cleaning products and equipment to deep clean your bathroom so that it looks and smells fresh and new. They will also pay close attention to detail to ensure nothing is missed.

6. Emptying Garbage Cans and Taking Out the Trash

Trash cans can quickly fill up, especially if you have a large family. A deep cleaning service will empty all of your trash cans and take out the trash for you. It will help to keep your home clean and free of garbage.

If you have any special requests, let the cleaning company know so they can accommodate accordingly. For example, you may want them to focus on deep cleaning your kitchen or bathroom.

Most importantly, a quality deep cleaning service will leave your home feeling refreshed and looking its best.

7. Windows and Window Sills

Professionals use a ladder to clean your windows, both inside and out. They will also wipe down your window sills and ledges.


Whether you’re looking to prepare your home for sale or want to enjoy a cleaner living space, deep cleaning is the way to go. And now that you know what’s included in a deep cleaning service, you can be sure you’re getting your money’s worth.

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