Your Guide to Cake Disposable Pens

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In the world of Cake Disposable pens using CBD or hemp products, especially Delta 8, it can be difficult to figure out which ones might work best for us.  I have tried a ton of them over the years, so let us just say that I am experienced in this struggle.  Out of all of them that I have tried, few have managed to really capture my attention.

So, what do I look for in a quality one, then?  There are a few different components and aspects that I watch out for in specific.  For one thing, the ease of use is a huge one.  Typically, it is what I prioritize.  For a further explanation of that and for some of the other parts to look for, stick around!

Ease of Use: What do I Mean?

Now, this can mean a few different things.  The first that I would like to touch upon is general accessibility.  It may not be something that we all think about in terms of a vape pen, but it is at the forefront of my mind since I have arthritis.  The pain in my wrists is not something that I usually like to talk about, but there is no denying that it plays a part in what I find desirable.

To understand accessibility when it comes to electronics, you might look at a page like this one.  I find that it is something important to me, and while it may not matter entirely to you at the moment, either way the more accessible a product is the easier it is for everyone to use.

What makes a vape pen fall into this category, then?  Weight is a factor.  For my tastes, I lean towards the lighter models that are not overly difficult to pick up.  The less strain on my hands and wrists, the better.

Having a nice “flow” is another aspect.  While it can be hard to put this into words, the way that we can breathe in and out during use is critical.  The smoother the sensation is, the better.  No one wants to have to suck super hard on their vape pen just to get some of the product out, right?


As a small disclaimer up front, I certainly understand that appearance is not going to be something that is a huge deal for everyone who vapes.  With that being said, though, I prioritize it fairly high – just under ease of use.  For me, it is another form of self-expression, and I know that I am not alone in that feeling.

Even for the small models, there are a lot of possibilities in terms of looks.  Even packaging can make a big difference.  You can see some examples of what I am talking about here,, though of course there are others out there as well.  Sometimes it is simplistic but cute designs that truly capture my heart.

Poppy colors and pastels are a big draw for many people, me included.  Having a mostly empty middle casing, whether it is a metallic sheen or something else, also opens the door for the user to customize them.  Maybe that means adding stickers or simply drawing little designs with a permanent marker – either way, we can have fun with our own artistic vision.


Again, this may not matter for everyone.  However, thanks to some of the misconceptions around delta 8 products, I typically prefer to have a design that is not overly “obnoxious” about utilizing CBD or hemp.  So many of them seem to have marijuana leaves absolutely covering them, and that is not something that I want.

Instead, many of us would much prefer a small logo, if there is going to be open advertisement of being used for this purpose at all.  Generally speaking, I do think that most of us would prefer to at least be a bit tactful when we are going to use them in public.  So, that is why it is something that I look for when I shop for a new vape pen.

Other Considerations?

For anyone thinking that I may have left some things out, do not worry.  Honestly, since the process of selecting the right vape pen for us can be such a challenging one, there are bound to be some aspects that you place at high importance that I simply do not, and vice versa.  So, do not be disheartened if there is something that you prioritize that I did not mention.

If that is the case, perhaps take my words here with a grain of salt.  However, I did try to tailor this for relative newcomers to the vape pen scene.  Before I conclude, though, I do want to briefly touch upon one final point.

Perhaps you are wondering why to consider a delta 8 pen at all.  Well, it is a compound that gives a similar experience to smoking marijuana, but without any legal hang-ups.  While it may be worthwhile just to check if it is legal in your state, there are very few restrictions on it.  Essentially, you can enjoy the soothing effects of weed without needing to really smoke it.

Since that is the case, it is no wonder that these pens have grown in popularity in the past few years.  While I could not cover absolutely everything today, I do hope this guide has been helpful!

Posted in CBD
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