What Leads To Neuropathy? – Get Expert Guidance

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The term neuropathy, in simple words, refers to excess levels of sugar or fat deposition in the bloodstream that damages the nerves. This damage causes diseases or contributes to nerve malfunction in the body. This blog shares common causes of neuropathy.

The nerves account for sending signals all over your body so as to let you experience sensations. They help in muscle movements, automatic responses, and so on. Causes of nerve damage occur due to an underlying/pre-existing disease, accidents/injury, aging, exposure to toxic substances, etc. Reach out to the best multi-specialty hospital in Siliguri to consult your expert.

Neuropathy talks about issues with the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system revolves around the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. This nervous system is responsible for involuntary functions in your body, like blood flow, heartbeat, voluntary movements, breathing, etc.

What are the signs of neuropathy?

Signs of neuropathy rest on the type of neuropathy or location of the nerves. And it can be ongoing (chronic), or sudden (acute).

Below are given widely-experienced signs and symptoms:

  • Tingling sensation/pin and needles in your feet, hands
  • Feeling of numbness
  • Loss of coordination
  • Extreme pain
  • Inability to feel the pain, sensation
  • Muscle cramps, muscle spasms
  • Electric-like pain, throbbing sensation
  • Weakness felt in the muscles
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Problems with bladder or bowel movements
  • Dizziness, explained sweating
  • Low blood pressure, weight loss
  • Sexual dysfunction

Developing such signs may not be due to neuropathy. Best to seek medical attention early on, upon notice. The more delay, the higher chance of further consequences of concerns.

The Reasons for Getting Neuropathy

The following are common causes that lead to neuropathy:

  • Diabetes. This medical condition accounts for at least around 70% of neuropathy, known as diabetic neuropathy. Poorly controlled diabetes acts as a magnet for further health complications. typically, this condition involves your feet, and legs. It can be painful.
  • Autoimmune diseases. In autoimmune diseases, your body’s immune system harms healthy cells and destroys them. conditions that may be responsible for causing peripheral nerve damage include rheumatoid arthritis, HIV, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, herpes, hepatitis C, etc.
  • Medical conditions. Pre-existing health conditions can affect your peripheral nervous system. Some of such conditions involve hypothyroidism, myeloma, liver conditions, cancerous/non-cancerous tumour growths, kidney disorders, et al. Receive medical assistance from the best orthopedic doctor at the top hospital in Siliguri.
  • Bone marrow disorders. Exposure to certain environmental factors or genetic reasons can lead to bone marrow conditions. disorders entail myeloma, lymphoma, monoclonal gammopathies, etc.
  • Medicinal factors. Certain anti-seizure meds, antibiotics, radiation, chemotherapy, HIV meds may affect nerves. Thus, being attentive to the usage and dosage is important. Routine health checkups are vital.

Other reasons for nerve damage may happen due to exposure to heavy metals, industrial chemicals, smoking, vitamin deficiencies (B-12, B-6, B-1), etc. At the same time, some cases come to light that no prominent cause of getting neuropathy. For orthopedic surgery in Siliguri, you may consult the leading orthopedic doctor.

To treat neuropathy, doctors may suggest different types of medications along with managing the pre-existing health condition causing it. Some meds specifically aim at relieving the condition. Besides medications, the expert may recommend physical therapy, occupational therapy, et al. Make sure you get medical consultancy before going for therapies or additional treatments. Surgery also helps in certain cases.

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