What do I need to use a portable dab rig?

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Dab rigs are known for their ability to produce highly potent and effective vapor from dab concentrates. Dab concentrates refer to any type of cannabis concentrates, including wax, budder, shatter, crumble, and sauce. Portable Dab rig comes with different accessories, depending on the type, that makes it easy to use the device.

Types of dab rigs.

Some dab rigs are portable while others are meant for desktop use. These devices also vary depending on their working principle or method of usage. The five common types of dab rigs are:

  1. Glass dab rigs
  2. Mini rigs
  3. Silicone dab rigs
  4. Recycler rigs
  5. Electric dab rigs

Apart from electric dab rigs, the other four types of dab rigs are powered manually using a blowtorch/ butane torch. Once you heat their nails to the ideal temperature, you can pack your dabs and take your hits. However, electric dab rigs feature a battery that you activate and it will power the nail.

Portable dab rig accessories

Usually, portable dab rigs are smaller and lighter than desktop dab rigs. They feature two parts: a water pipe and a nail/ banger. The nail heats up the dab concentrates and vaporizes them. Electric dab rigs feature a unique nail called an E-nail that features an electric coil/ heating element. On the other hand, the water pipe features a water percolator that cools down and cleans the vapor before you can inhale it. Also, this water pipe provides a long vapor path for additional cooling of the vapor.

To use a portable dab rig you need the following accessories:

  1. A dabber/ dabbing tool – this accessory is used for packing the dabbing concentrate onto the hot nail. It keeps you safe from the heat and also enables easier dosing. Furthermore, these dab concentrates are sticky and waxy and can create a huge mess if you try loading them with your bare hands.
  2. A torch – is used for heating the nail to the appropriate temperature of dabbing the concentrates. A blowtorch is the most important accessory in a standard portable dab rig.
  3. A charged battery (for portable electric dab rigs) – electric dab rigs do not require a blowtorch. Instead, they need a charged battery. If your electric dab rig does not have enough charge, your experience may be cut short suddenly. It is always recommended that you fully charge your electric dab rig’s battery before using it. Having a battery that is compatible with pass-through charging is an added advantage. Alternatively, if your device features a removable battery, you can buy a spare battery from the device’s manufacturer. However, it has to be of the exact type.

Some accessories for portable dab rigs are not necessary but they help ensure you get the ultimate experience. These portable dab rig accessories include:

  1. A carb cap – this accessory helps modify the airflow getting to the device’s nail, helping increase flavor, and efficiency. Also, carb caps enable you to dab at low temperatures by trapping the heat of your nail. Retaining the heat for extended periods extends the sweet spot for your ideal dabbing temperature. 
  2. Drop-downs –  These accessories allow you to easily convert rigs into joints of different sizes and genders, adding a certain degree of versatility to any portable dab rig. The drop-downs are not just for customizing your work; they strive to create a distance between the hot nails and the joints. This distance helps reduce the thermal stress caused by the intense heat of the torch. When heat is transferred from the nail to the joint, thermal stress is generated over time and may cause cracks or breaks in the joint. If the tear is large enough, it can even make the joint useless. To facilitate cleaning, these drop-downs allow you to keep your portable dab clean rig by trapping excess oil that could have entered the water chamber.
  3. Quartz inserts –  Quartz inserts are the latest addition to basic bracelets or nails, which can add extra surface area to the nails or nails, and fundamentally improve their ability to take full advantage of low-temperature inhales. When inserted onto the nail, the quartz insert acts as an internal carb cap

Tips on using a portable dab rig

You should always clean your dab rig after use to ensure the device constantly offers you the ultimate experience. For fast cleaning, you can carefully increase the amount of heat in the device’s chamber until the excess residue evaporates from the vaporizer and gets dislodged. Alternatively, you can use cotton swabs dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean any residue or dirt in the device. Also, ensure you replace the water in the device’s percolator regularly.

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