The Benefits of Getting a Sports Massage

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When we think of a massage, most of us picture a relaxing experience that helps us to destress and unwind. Massages are often enjoyed at spas, or on trips with friends. A sports massage is different. Typically, a sports massage is a deep-tissue massage, which is used to ease sore muscles and boost circulation. If you aren’t an elite athlete or professional sportsperson, you might have never considered this kind of massage. But it could have massive benefits for anyone that enjoys exercise at any level. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of getting a sports massage. 


Some people make the mistake of thinking that a sports massage is very painful. But while it’s true that a Sports Massage in Bristol does target deep tissue with applied pressure, when performed by a professional, the experience can still be incredibly relaxing and shouldn’t be painful. Treating yourself to a Sports Massage can be a great way to unwind and relax. 

Improve Circulation

Any kind of massage can boost blood flow and warm your muscles up. As a deep tissue or focused massage, a sports massage can be even more effective at boosting circulation, especially boosting circulation to tired, achy muscles. 

Improve Flexibility

A Bristol Sports Massage will often include stretches. Over time, regular stretching can boost flexibility and increase your range of movement. Stretching on your own can also be beneficial, but during a massage, your movements will be guided by a trained professional, helping you to get the most out of the movements.

Pain Relief

Whether you have muscle pain from injuries, or you are recovering from a more intense workout than usual, a sports massage can help. By improving circulation, warming your muscles, and helping you to relax, it will speed up recovery times, and help you get back to your best. 

Prevent Injury

A massage after exercise can speed up recovery times, but if you enjoy a massage before your workout, and especially before an intense or long workout, you can prevent injury by making sure your muscles are warmed up and ready to go. 

Better Sleep

There are many reasons why we might struggle to get a good night’s sleep. By relaxing your muscles and reducing your stress levels, a sports massage can help you to fall asleep and enjoy deep sleep. 

Ease Nerves

If you’ve got a race coming up that you are feeling anxious about, your nerves could be causing tension in your muscles. Reducing nerves eases muscle tension but easing muscle tension can also help you to conquer your nerves. A sports massage can help you to feel less nervous and more confident.

Help with Hormonal Fluctuations

Female athletes often find that their cycles and hormone levels affect their training. By making it easier to sleep, and aiding recovery, a sports massage can ease any effects of hormonal fluctuations. 

If you exercise, however casually, a sports massage could aid recovery and performance, help with nerves and confidence, and generally help you to relax and enjoy exercise. 

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