Sex Toys and their Cleaning

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Act of sexual intercourse and use of some kinky sex objects is an exciting time for many but what comes next might be boring and a lazy job to do which is cleaning of the sex toys. Sex toys such as dildo, Vibrators, Masturbators, Penis Sleeves are used in every way possible depending upon the creativity of a person, which subjects them to be in contact with multiple body parts. Hence, it is necessary to clean the toys after every use.

How to clean your sex toys:

  • Rinsing with water: In case you have used non-porous sex toys, it is suitable to clean the them by rinsing with water. If the toys are battery operated and safe to use under water, you can directly put or dip the sex toy in water.
  • Cleaning with a cloth or tissue: Use of porous sex toys made from materials like latex results into absorption of body fluids into the object. Washing it with water can further lead to retention of water in the toy. Therefore, you must wipe the used sex toy with a clean cloth or tissue with help of a cleanser.
  • Deep cleaning: Use of boiling water is suggested for sex toys which needs to be deep cleaned, especially porous ones. Make sure to check if your sex toys has batteries included, in case yes, then avoid putting your toy in boiling instead clean it with a damp cloth or tissue.
  • Using soap: For thorough cleaning of your sex toys, clean them with a soap to get rid of any residue present. It is important to avoid any scented or strong soaps which can destroy the pH of your intimate parts.

Now that we are done with some basic cleaning methods opted for cleansing of sex toys, it is also vital to know the reason behind being cautious about sterilizing.

Why is Cleaning Important?

  • Sex toys are used by couples or singles, in either case penetration of toys in the intimate parts may lead to retention of fluids which turns into bacterial or yeast infections. Their improper cleaning and further use therefore leads to health problems like UTI, STI and other sex related issues.
  • Along with it, porous sex toys absorb most of the fluids from intimate areas which makes them even more dangerous. Thus, it is imperative to be cautious about cleaning of sexual objects after each use.

Besides ensuring the cleaning of sex toys after their use, it is significant to maintain their hygiene before use as well. To do so, there are few ways with which you can keep your toys infection-free:

  • Store them in a covered packing.
  • Clean them regularly before every use.
  • Wrap them in their original package or put a plastic wrap around them to keep them dust free.
  • Keep a separate bag or a pouch for their storage to ensure cleanliness.

What comes above all is your health and though cleaning and the whole process of doing it all over again after each use is daunting, however, it assures the safety of your sexual health. So, make sure you do the cleaning part well.

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