Top 5 Secret Tips to Reduce Body Fat

tips to reduce body fat
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Nowadays everyone wants to keep themselves healthy and fit. But knowingly or unknowingly in a running life, we ignore our health. Who doesn’t like to see themselves in a fit in front of the mirror? But unfortunately because of wrong guidelines and inaccurate information, we do not reach our goal to reduce body fat.

You may get a lot of tips and strategies to reduce body fat. But is that scientific? Is that realistic? If you have any question in your mind then rest assured that you are in the right place. Where I will guide you 10 such tips which are scientific and effective too.

Let’s start with your face

Face is your first impression. So it is imperative to maintain it properly. You think once, your whole body is fit but your cheeks are chubby. How would you feel? You can look cute but not muscular. A lot of people may have a question about how to reduce face fat? It’s so easy, because you have to do some simple facial exercises. Along with exercise, you can limit sugar and sodium intake. Do the exercise just for 10-15 minutes continuously for a month and you can see the changes.

Track your diet

If you have made up your mind to reduce body fat, then with a little effort, you should start noting your diet and body weight. It is important for you to keep this information about how much calorie intake you are taking on a daily basis and how it is affecting your body.

For this, you can use some good mobile apps. You will have two benefits in this. First, you can review from time to time and change the diet plan according to the need. If required you can switch your normal diet to keto diet depending on your body response. Second, you will be motivated enough till you achieve your goal. So start recording your diet and weight today.

Take Good Sleep

Some research has said that sleeping for 5-6 hours increases the fat percentage. There can be many reasons for this. Not only sleep duration, going to bed at the right time and leaving the bed at the right time is also a good practice. By doing this, your brain will come to a routine and there will be no hormonal imbalance. 

When we sleep at night, our body converts calories into energy, which is called metabolism. If you sleep less, this whole calories will not be able to convert and the remaining portion will be stored in the form of body fat, which will be born in the form of further obesity.

Do Regular workout

In the process of reducing body weight, you cannot skip regular exercises. If you can’t join the gym, do at least 45-60 minutes of home workouts. By this your heart rate will be up, blood circulation in the body will be improved and it will help in burning calories. 

You prepare a weekly schedule and follow that routine strictly. I would recommend that you train each body part weekly twice. Do not forget to do cardio along with all this. Doing cardio daily for 15-20 minutes, your body fat will be reduced and metabolism will also be boosted.

Manage your stress level

Hormonal imbalance occurs when our stress is not managed properly. When we remain stressed for a long time, a hormone called cortisol, remains high in the bloodstream, which increases the body’s appetite. Because of this, one feels very hungry. By consuming more food, the amount of carbohydrates in the body also increases.

Here the role of insulin is very important. Insulin transports carbohydrates and sugars in the blood to the muscles and brain. If this sugar is not used properly in the body, it gets stored in the form of excess fat.

To manage your stress level you can do Yoga, Meditation and exercises. Try to stay away from negativity surrounding you and take your personal and professional decisions very calmly. If possible try to spend some time in walking, gardening and spending time with your family and friends


One thing you need to understand is that reducing body fat is a slow process. You need to be patient and have faith in your process. Not only the above points but also you need to take fruits, vegetables and healthy nutrition. It is better to start initiating the process now itself, otherwise which may lead to life- threatening diseases in future.

Author : Santosh Patnaik

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