Preparing for Your First Meeting With a Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

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If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, it’s important to work with a qualified lawyer to get the best results from your case. Wondering what to do to prepare for your meeting with your slip and fall accident attorney? Here’s what you need to know.

Preparing for Your First Meeting With a Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Know What Questions to Ask

There’s probably a lot on your mind if you’re dealing with a slip and fall claim. Your lawyer will be able to answer many of your questions over the course of your initial meeting. You should make sure you know what questions you need to be answered before you go.
It’s also a good idea to write down any questions you may have. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t forget to ask anything. Questions like what kind of settlement you can expect as well as what legal risks you may be facing are important to know.

Have Your Evidence Ready

After a slip and fall injury, you’ll need to prove a couple of things. First, you have to prove that you were injured. Second, you’ll need to prove that the injury was caused by your accident, which was due to the negligence of the other party.
There are several pieces of evidence you can gather before meeting with your lawyer. Things like medical bills and photos of the scene can all make your case much stronger. You should have these with you for your lawyer to look over at your first meeting.

Give Your Lawyer Important Personal Information

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to provide your lawyer with your personal information. This includes your full legal name, address, and your contact information, among other pieces of information.
Write all of this pertinent information down and keep it in one place so it’s easy to access and provide to your slip and fall accident lawyer in Houston when they ask for it.

Keep Your Memories Organized

At your meeting, your lawyer is going to ask you to describe what happened. It’s important to be as accurate and thorough with your information as possible. That said, it can certainly be difficult to keep all your memories organized, especially if talking about the incident brings up any bad or distressing memories.
Before you go for your first meeting, make sure to write down all the facts, including as many details as you can think of. Once you’ve written your first draft, set it aside for a couple of days and then return to it. Add any information as needed, and bring this document with you to your meeting.

Don’t Talk to Insurance Companies

The other party’s insurance company may try to get in touch with you. The representative contacting you may sound sympathetic and understanding, but you should avoid speaking to them. It’s these representatives’ jobs to pay you as little as possible.
To do this, they may attempt to use your lack of legal knowledge against you as a way of getting you to admit partial fault. While you are waiting for your first meeting with your lawyer, do not speak to the insurance company. Your lawyer will handle them for you.

How Your Lawyer Will Help You

Expert Legal Guidance

As a layperson, you likely don’t have the same kind of experience that your lawyer has. Some people may choose to represent themselves in their legal battle, but because you lack this important knowledge, you could make some major mistakes that could cost you your case.
Your lawyer will have years of training and experience under their belt. They’ll know what strategies to implement to get you the best results from your case, and they’ll know what kind of settlement you can expect from your case.

Know What Evidence You Need

The evidence you bring to your initial meeting will do a lot to support your case. But you may not be aware of all the evidence that you need to help your case win.
Your lawyer will tell you exactly what additional pieces of evidence you may need. They can also help you gather this evidence during the discovery and investigation phases of your case.

Negotiate Effectively

The other party’s insurance company may offer you an initial settlement. You don’t need to accept this settlement if you don’t think it’s fair.
Your lawyer will help you determine if what you are being offered is what your case deserves. If it’s not, your lawyer will help you negotiate for more.
Slip and fall accidents can be scary, especially if you’ve been injured. When you prepare effectively for your first meeting with your lawyer, you’ll be setting your case up for success. Your lawyer will ensure that you get fair compensation for everything you’ve been through.

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