New Ways To Ensure The Safety Of Your Vehicle

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Using the built-in safety technology is frequently the best option when it comes to the safety of your vehicle. Even though onboard computers and ECUs were standard equipment in the majority of automobiles produced after 1996, it wasn’t until the early 2010s that we began to see vehicles commonly use computers for functions other than engine control.

And as technology improved, computers’ primary functions shifted from engine control to security system for car. Let’s examine these seven contemporary automotive security measures and how they shield both ourselves and our vehicles from harm.


An immobilizer is a feature that almost all new automobiles over the last 20 years have. For authentication, this system leverages wireless encryption between your keys and the automobile.

If you’ve seen a vehicle theft movie from the 1980s or 1990s, you’re already familiar with hot wiring. Wires under the dash are pulled out by thieves, who then shot two particular wires to start the car. Alternately, they push the starter motor and start the vehicle with a regular key or a screwdriver.

Immobilizers were added as the cheapest car accessories to keys to help stop these sorts of thefts. This method transmits a coded message using tiny chips that are implanted into automobile keys. The engine will start when the automobile receives the properly coded message.

Tracking Systems For Vehicles

Drivers have been utilizing GPS technology for navigation since the military made it accessible for commercial and civilian usage. The first vehicle with this was the Mazda Eunos Cosmos, however, it was only sold in Japan. With the invention of cellular connectivity, this technology allowed fleet managers to obtain vehicle location information in real time. It also allowed the automobile to know its whereabouts internationally.

When this service was originally introduced in the early 1990s, it was costly, unreliable, and necessitated large electrical modules. However, as technology advanced, GPS became more affordable, precise, and portable. Our autos also developed the capacity to determine their position as cellphones did.

Services for Safety Of Your Vehicle

Our automobiles have been monitoring different engine and onboard components because the OBD-II port became required in vehicles. The ECU can create a picture of what is occurring to your automobile by collecting information from all angles and analyzing it.

In-vehicle security services function similarly. Your car will automatically phone its supplier to see how you’re doing when events like airbag activation or a significant drop in engine oil pressure activate its sensors.

OnStar was one such service offered by GM. Other automakers eventually used the same strategy; Ford had Sync, BMW had BMW Assistance, and Mercedes created mbrace.


Small, compact, yet high-quality voice recorders were revolutionized when GoPro released the first HERO activity camera. These attributes make them perfect for installation on a dashboard or windshield, where their small footprint won’t obstruct vehicle operation.

As dashcams grew more affordable and accessible, more and more drivers purchased and installed them for security. These gadgets record your driving, making it useful for documenting traffic accidents and other situations.

Dashcams offer documentation, which makes them essential, particularly for insurance claims. In the event of an accident, the video footage can be used to establish liability.

Sentry Mode

For use in self-driving, the majority of modern vehicles feature cameras directed in all four directions. However, Sentry Mode is another application for these cameras. All Tesla Model 3 vehicles have this function as of 2019. Sentry Mode makes use of the car’s many sensors to find motion around it.

If Sentry Mode detects a little threat, it switches from standby to alert. The vehicle will begin capturing footage and indicate that it is doing so on the dashboard. The car will go into alarm mode if it detects a serious threat, such as a smashed window or attempted break-in.

Although Tesla is the only company using this technology at the moment, you can anticipate that other businesses will adopt a similar approach to help secure consumers and automobiles.

PIN to Launch

Manufacturers began putting additional wireless technology into key fobs after they learned that immobilizers reduced the number of auto theft events. Today’s remote car keys can now automatically unlock a vehicle and even start it, as opposed to only sending an encrypted code in the past.

This practical function did have one drawback, though: keyless auto theft. In this crime, the automobile is tricked into believing the key is close by replicating the remote control’s weak signal. By doing so, the door will unlock, making it much simpler to break into and steal automobiles.

Intelligent Parking

Many individuals are unaware that autonomous parking is possible with automated driving, whilst some people believe that autonomous driving is only for convenience during lengthy travels. Autonomous parking, though it may seem like a novelty feature, is a vital safety feature, particularly when you’re out late in the evening and your vehicle is parked in the darkness.

To get into your car from the security of your home, you may utilize auto driving to have the automobile travel to you.


All of these developments aid in the safety of your vehicle. Over 25 years ago, the basic immobilizer catalyzed everything. These days, we have vehicles that drive themselves to their owners, demand a pin code to start, and even phone you if you have an accident. Also, you buy these car safety items easily from CarOrbis.

Even while we utilize technology to defend our automobiles, there will always be thieves who manage to slip through the gaps and take advantage of a flaw in the internal technology of your car. You should be aware of their strategies and how to avoid them as a result.

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