Ido Fishman Shares Steps to Creating a Fitness Program

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One of the best things that anyone can do for their health is to start a fitness program. Engaging in physical activity has a world of benefits, as you can improve your coordination and balance, reduce your risk of chronic disease and also lose weight. In fact, you can even give your self-esteem a boost and improve your sleep habits. The best part is that creating a fitness program doesn’t have to be complicated either. You can develop one with ease and achieve the results you want, as long as you commit to it. 

It is easy for anyone to say that they will exercise daily, but you have to have a plan in place. Ido Fishman suggests that you first assess your fitness level and then start designing a fitness program. What are the steps you will need to take? Check them out below!

Step 1: Consider your fitness goals

The first thing that Ido Fishman suggests is that you take your fitness goals into account. How will you design a fitness program without knowing what you want to achieve through it? Do you want to lose weight? Maybe you have another goal in mind, like preparing for a marathon. When you have clear goals, it can help you stay motivated and also gauge your progress.

Step 2: Come up with a balanced routine

According to experts like Ido Fishman, you should do around 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity in a week, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity. You can also do a combination of moderate and vigorous activity and spread it out over the week. While greater amounts of exercise do give greater benefits, even small amounts can be quite beneficial. You can experience good health benefits through short periods of activity during the day. You can do strength training at least twice a week and target all major muscle groups. 

Step 3: Start slow and progress gradually

If you are just starting out, then Ido Fishman recommends that you take things slow. Be cautious and progress slowly. If you are suffering from a medical condition, or are injured, then you should consult an exercise therapist or a doctor to help in creating a fitness program that can help you in gradually improving your strength, range of motion and endurance.

Step 4: Incorporate activity in your daily routine

It is challenging to find time to exercise, particularly when you have a busy routine. Ido Fishman suggests that you can simplify this process by scheduling exercise, similar to how you schedule an appointment. You can go for a walk during your lunch break at work, read a book while you ride a stationary bike, or watch a movie while you run on the treadmill. 

Step 5: Add different activities 

You can keep the exercise boredom at bay when you incorporate different activities in your exercise routine. When you use low-impact forms of physical activity for cross-training, such as water exercise or biking, it will reduce your chances of injury and prevent overuse of one specific joint or muscle. According to Ido Fishman, it is also a good idea to alternate between activities emphasizing various parts of the body, such as swimming, walking and strength training.

Step 6: Give high-intensity interval training a try

This kind of training involves doing short bursts of high-intensity activity combined with recovery periods of low-intensity activities. Ido Fishman suggests that you give this a try for seeing quick results.

Step 7: Set aside time for recovery

A lot of people initiate a workout program with frenzied zeal, which means they work out too intensely for too long. As per Ido Fishman, you will eventually have to give up because this will lead to sore joints and muscles and even cause injuries. Therefore, you need to prioritize rest and recovery, just as much as you prioritize working out. Give your body time to heal before you fire it up again. 

Creating a fitness program or workout plan is best achieved with the help of a professional trainer. A professional trainer can help to motivate you to stick to your workout routine and schedule, diet plans, etc. Most personal trainers also use personal training online software which makes it convenient for both the trainer and client. The software allows the creation of workout plans, scheduling of classes and appointments, creation of invoices and online payments, and much more.

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