Five Things to Consider Before Replacing a Sewer Line

sewer line replacement in the bay area
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If your sewer line has an issue, the first thought that may strike is sewer line replacement. However, trouble in the sewage line doesn’t always mean replacement. If your sewer line has a simple problem, repairing it would be easier, but how can you detect whether you should replace the sewage line or not? Awareness of these issues is important to stay away from fraudsters who look for ways to make money.

There are some factors that you should consider before finally deciding to replace the sewer line. The below points might help-:

  1. Detect the possible cause of trouble

Sometimes sewer lines may be choked due to some other issue, oil, grease, hair, and any other substance. It doesn’t imply that you need to excavate the pipe; it would be an added cost, may create a mess at your location, and also impact your property.

Sometimes tree roots also find their way into pipes. If a large tree is located near your sewer line, the roots may grow into it. The only way to deal with this problem is through professional consultation. Hence, detect the cause of trouble before you decide to replace the entire pipeline.

  1. Go for sewer line inspection

Before your final decision, you must consult a professional for sewer line inspection. You may not know whether your pipeline needs a complete overhaul or just little plumbing. Therefore, call a professional for video inspection first.

You can’t guess the problem unless you know the gravity of the situation. In video inspection, experts will put a camera in the sewer line; the camera will display the blocked area and let you know the exact problem. If the camera quality is bad, you need to replace the entire pipe, but that’s not the case every time.

  1. Ask if repair is possible

If you hire a plumber to detect problems in the sewer line, ask a few questions before you decide to replace the sewer line. Their opinion matters because they are experts; you may not conclude about the issue because you don’t know all the options available to treat a problem is sewage line. However, a savvy plumber can come up with more than one solution.

Your plumber may initiate the process by asking you a few questions, is there any mold growth in your bathroom and kitchen, any unpleasant smell, or inundating the floor? These questions will help your plumber reach a conclusion about your sewage problem. Professional plumbers usually don’t jump to a conclusion about replacing sewage lines unless they analyze the situation rigorously.

  1. Consider different replacement techniques

There are multiple ways to replace a sewer line. The most traditional way is to dig a large trench near the sewer line, replace the entire pipe length, and refill the ground. This method is quite invasive; it will damage your property, and you may have to rebuild your entire pavement, which would be an added cost.

Sewer line repair and replacement companies use the latest technology, which are non-invasive methods to replace a sewer pipeline. This is called a trenchless method in which they will dig a single hole to replace the entire pipe. This method will not damage your property and thus won’t add to the cost.

  1. Understand the varying cost

You can spend hours searching for the average cost to install a sewer line, but you may not tell exactly how much it will take. This is because the cost varies according to the technique, length of sewer line, and complexities. If you have a shallow pipe, it requires minimal digging, and a deeper excavation would require more effort. Regardless of the method, the cost may also vary according to the linear foot of the replacement pipe. If you want an accurate estimate, you need to ask a professional.

Final Decision

Whether you need a professional for sewer line replacement in the bay area or a small repair job, you just need the right person to handle the job. Experts take into consideration the complexity of the situation, price, and the best approach to handle the job.

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