Five Advantages of Using DNA Test Kits at Home

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Advances in DNA technology have now made it possible to test one’s DNA on their own through the use of a home DNA test kit. The test can easily be ordered online. After which, the results are then sent back to the recipient in a few days. The whole process is generally quite simple, often detailed through a step-by-step plan that the kit owner can easily follow. Alongside its simplicity, there are a lot of advantages to using a home test kit. 

1. The Test is Unobtrusive

The whole test is noninvasive and can be done with minimum discomfort. A typical testing kit will contain a number of oral cotton swabs which must be rubbed inside the mouth, against the cheek. This will allow the swab to gather the individual’s cells through their saliva. It must be ensured that the swab is rubbed gently but thoroughly to ensure there is an adequate sample for testers to work with. The whole procedure is generally unobtrusive as long as the individual follows instructions carefully. 

2. It Can Be Done in Privacy of the Home

A great advantage of the home DNA test kit is that it allows the recipient to do it in the privacy of their own homes. This becomes especially useful if the person is afraid of hospitals, does not want to leave the house because of the pandemic, or would generally prefer privacy when obtaining the result.

3. Does Not Require Permission From Healthcare Professionals

Since home DNA test kits are readily available, there is no need for an individual to go through the laborious process of getting it done by a professional. Getting the test done at a clinic or hospital requires one to book an appointment, wait for long hours for their turn, and possibly spend more money on the whole process compared to what one would spend on doing it at home. With the home testing kit, one could avoid all the unnecessary steps and get right to the process.

4. Can Motivate You to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

With this testing kit, an individual could be able to find out about possible health issues. These issues could be genetic and passed down by parents, or they could be something the individual didn’t know they had. In any case, using this test would allow one to have an immediate list of results of their health, which in turn could motivate them to make important and positive health choices for their future. This could eventually help them to live a healthier life by preventing possible future diseases or controlling the current one through proper diet and exercise.

5. One Could Learn About Their Ethnic Background and Family

It is quite often among many of the public to not know their complete lineage and history. By being able to easily test DNA, an individual could find out about their ethnic backgrounds and what their ancestral makeup is. Additionally, there is also a possibility of finding blood relatives that were initially unknown to them.

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