Emergency Plumbers: What To Do When The Water Meter Is Leaking

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You never know when the emergency plumber will show up at your house. With emergency plumbers, you can call them as soon as you hear a pitter-patter of water or see that the sewage drain has backed up into your bathtub. Although emergency situations like these can be stressful, they are actually a good time to contact an emergency plumber.

What is an emergency plumber?

An emergency plumber is a professional who can come to your home, office or business to help fix water leaks and other plumbing emergencies. 

If you experience a water leak in your home or business, don’t wait – call an emergency plumber! Here are some tips on how to deal with a water leak: 

1. Make sure all of the faucets and valves in the area are turned off. If one is still on, turn it off completely. 

2. Clear any obstruction from the water main using a plunger. This will help the emergency plumber get a good flow of water to the leak. 

3. Check for any broken pipes or sediment build-up around the leak site. If there is, clear it away with a plunger. 

4. Call your emergency plumber and describe the location of the leak, as well as the type and size of pipe it is coming from. The emergency plumber will then be able to determine if he or she needs to bring specialized equipment or personnel to the scene.

How much should you pay for an emergency plumber?

If you’re in a bind and your water meter is leaking, your first instinct may be to call a regular plumber. But here’s what you should keep in mind before shelling out any cash: 

-First, determine the extent of the damage. Is just a small amount of water spilling out each time you turn on the faucet? Or are large amounts pooling up on the floor?

-Then, factor in the cost of labor. A plumber who comes out to fix your leaking water meter will likely charge by the hour. If the job takes only a few minutes, he or she might charge just a few dollars for the service.

-But if the leak is more serious or if it takes longer than an hour for the plumber to arrive, factor in an additional fee. And don’t forget to ask about discounts for members of certain professional organizations (like REI).

So, how much should you expect to pay? That really depends on how much work needs to be done and how much it will cost. But in general, expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $40 per hour, plus taxes and fees.

What happens if the water meter is leaking on a new home?

If you have just moved into a new home and the water meter is leaking, there are a few things you should do to try and save your water bill. First, turn off all the taps in the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. Next, call your local emergency plumbers in Katy and tell them that you have a water meter leak. They will be able to come out and fix the leak right away.

What happens if the water meter is leaking on your rental property?

If you’re renting and the water meter is leaking, there are a few things to do in order to try and fix the issue as quickly as possible. 

The first thing to do is contact your landlord. This is typically the person who owns the property where you are staying. If they are absent or unavailable, then you will need to reach out to their tenant representative. In most cases, these representatives are responsible for maintaining the property and should be able to help you with whatever needs you may have. 

If your landlord is unavailable or unable to help, then you’ll need to take matters into your own hands. You can call a licensed plumber and have them come out and fix the water meter. This may cost you money, but it’s usually worth it in order to avoid any further damage or problems with your rental property.


If you live in a city, it’s very likely that your water meter is leaking. While this may not seem like a big deal, over time the accumulated water can cause serious damage to your home and property. If you notice that your water meter is leaking, there are some things you should do to mitigate the situation as quickly as possible.

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