Best Pediactric Surgon For Annular Pancreas

Annular Pancreas
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The annular pancreas refers to a birth defect involving the pancreas. Because of this condition, the pancreas doesn’t develop well. It’s a rare congenital deformity marked by an enclosure of the duodenum surrounded by a band of pancreatic tissue.

Signs occur when the pancreas ring pressurizes and causes the narrowing of the small intestine. A complete blockage of the intestine may lead to further health conditions. The small intestine aids in breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating needless components. But this blockage obstructs the effective functioning of the pancreas. For neonatal surgeries in Siliguri, contact the best pediatric surgeon.

Signs & Symptoms of Annular Pancreas

Signs of the annular pancreas come to light when the pancreas tissue squeezes the small intestine. May a time, symptoms of this medical condition appear in adulthood. Listed in the directory below are signs:

  • Splitting up more often
  • Food intolerance
  • Infants may cry more often
  • An inability to drink formula or breast milk
  • A sense of fullness after having a small number of foods
  • Bowel movements issues
  • Swelling of the belly
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chronic belly pain

A few signs of annular pancreas diagnosed while the baby is in the womb can be – too much fluid accumulation in the abdomen, presence of too much amino fluid, dilated bowel, etc. Newborns may develop signs associated with annular pancreas may be too few bowel movements, yellow or green colour vomit, difficulty feeding, et al.

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Developing such signs doesn’t pinpoint the individual has an annular pancreas for sure. Nothing could be so good as consulting a doctor without delay. In order to rule out if the condition is present, the pediatrician may go for several procedures or tests. Your kid may not require all sorts of tests, however.

Knowing The Causes of Annular Pancreas

Well, much remains unknown about the exact reasons for getting this health concern. The following are some congenital conditions that might have a role here:

  • Down’s Syndrome. Also called trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder in which an individual has an extra chromosome, causing intellectual, and physical growth delays. At the same time, this disorder may result in heart health issues, gastrointestinal conditions, sleep apnea, leukemia, etc. Some signs of this disorder include – small ears, short neck, short stature, protruding tongue, weak muscle tone, flattened face, etc.
  • Pancreas Divisum. One of the widely common birth defects of the pancreas is the pancreas divisum, which is a hereditary condition. Typically, it causes no prominent symptoms. However, signs may be acute pancreas inflammation, abdominal pain, vomiting, throwing up, chronic pancreas inflammation, etc.
  • Intestinal Atresia. It’s a birth defect concerning the small intestine. In this case, the child’s intestine/bowel doesn’t develop well before he is born. Prenatal ultrasounds help diagnose this condition. After birth symptoms can be greenish/yellow vomit, no bowel movements, swelling of the abdomen due to accumulation of gas, strong dislike to take food, etc.

Doctors, based on the diagnostic reports, may suggest neonatal surgery. This surgical procedure helps remove the blockage so as to let the small intestine function properly. Different diagnostic procedures required for this treatment include – an abdominal X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound, MRI, small bowel series, et al. Get medical consultation to go ahead with optimal medical care.

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