Ayurveda for Diabetes

Ayurveda for Diabetes
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Ayurveda for Diabetes

When we consume foods with sugar, our body is ready to digest them quickly. Sugar that is excessively metabolized gets removed from the body naturally. Diabetes is a disease that produces excess sugar in the blood. It is brought on by the body’s inability to properly digest sugar.

An excessive rise in blood sugar levels could be harmful. It could cause serious issues, including vision loss, renal failure and stroke. Raised blood glucose levels are among the simplest diabetes symptoms to recognize. If blood sugar levels start to rise, diabetes needs to be treated right away. The illness has become more widespread as a result of rising junk food consumption and a lax lifestyle. 

Children, too, are falling into the trap of this condition. Ayurveda is a holistic approach to diabetes. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes with diet and lifestyle modifications can help control blood sugar levels and aid in controlling the symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes and Types of Diabetes

The condition of diabetes raises blood sugar. Glucose is a component of many foods and sugar. The body requires it to generate energy. In the body, a chemical known as insulin can break into glucose, allowing it to be processed. In the absence of insulin production, the body raises blood sugar levels.

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Type 1 diabetes is a condition in which the beta cells have been damaged, and the body cannot produce insulin. This is a serious issue; insulin should be consumed throughout life to metabolize it completely. The problem cannot be prevented. It could be due to an autoimmune problem where the immune system targets beta cells in the wrong way.

The majority of diabetes type 2 cases are caused by a lifestyle issue. Poor exercise and bad diet choices can cause the dysfunction of the cells that make insulin. This means that the insulin produced isn’t enough to reduce glucose. This increases blood sugar.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Elevated blood sugar levels can affect cells throughout different areas of the human body. It may cause nerve damage which can cause serious health problems. Some Symptoms of diabetes include:

  • Vision blurred
  • Skin infections
  • More thirst
  • Excessive urination
  • Excessive hunger
  • Loss of weight that occurs suddenly
  • Inability to heal wounds properly
  • Exhaustion and fatigue
  • If blood sugar levels are excessively high, it can lead to many issues, including:
  • Glaucoma and blindness
  • Nerve injuries can lead to neuropathy, which can result in paralysis of the feet
  • Kidney disease can result in kidney failure
  • The increase in blood pressure could cause heart illness.
  • Stroke can be a risky concoction that can result in a disastrous

The body’s nerves are attacked, which is a major problem. It conceals the signs of other diseases. People who have diabetes might suffer from other problems, like kidney or heart issues. They will not detect the signs of these conditions due to excessive blood sugar. Many people are experiencing a mild heart attack but not being aware of it due to excessive levels of diabetes. That’s why it’s vital to keep blood sugar levels in check.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

The Ayurveda Clinic in Chandigarh suggests a holistic approach to managing diabetes. Traditional medical systems rely on medications for treatment, and Ayurveda advocates using a multi-prong approach. 

Ayurvedic principles are used to treat diabetes:

1. Utilize herbal medicines.

2. Therapies support the body’s process of cleansing and restoration. This is crucial in extreme cases of diabetes.

3. Changes in diet.

4. Lifestyle changes.

Let’s take a look at the diet adjustments and lifestyle modifications that are required to control the effects of diabetes.

The food we eat must conform to our body’s requirements. If a person has diabetes or an autoimmune disease, there’s an increase in the inflammation caused by Kapha and Vata Dosha. If the Dosha is elevated and the food regimen should ease the Dosha. The weather should be taken into account when developing the diet plan.

The diet that helps calm Kapha is necessary to help manage type 2 diabetes comprises:

  • Consume dry, light, and warm foods, then remove oily, cold and heavy foods.
  • Milk products boost the Kapha Dosha, which is why it’s recommended to limit or eliminate it. Milk products with low fat can be utilized. Ghee can be utilized in a balanced way since it aids in boosting the digestion fire.
  • The Kapha diet requires more legumes and beans. Moong beans, in a distinct sense, are beneficial for people with diabetes.
  • Light fruits like apples, pomegranates, or fruits can be eaten.
  • Wheat and rice are both heavy and are difficult to break into pieces. The lighter grains such as millet and corn can be eaten.
  • Cooking with spices is essential because they support Kapha Dosha. Garlic, mustard, pepper and ginger are essential to your diet. Ginger tea is helpful for digestion. On the other hand, the salt must be removed or taken in moderate amounts.
  • Ayurveda recommends against eating meats since they could cause inflammation.
  • Blood sugar control requires eating warm meals. Patients must drink warm water.
  • Bitter foods help in controlling diabetes. The bitter pumpkin is a crucial vegetable that needs to be included in the food regimen. A unique spice that needs to be consumed every day is turmeric.
  • The foods to be eliminated are fried food, tuber vegetables and soft drinks, and fruits like custard apple, mango dates, bananas, and mango must be removed.

Lifestyle modifications are necessary to help control diabetes. One of the major causes of diabetes is the absence of physical activity. That’s why exercising is essential. Patients with prediabetes need to exercise for at least 150 minutes a week at a moderate intensity. 

The following yoga postures may be helpful for those with diabetes.

  • Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, is an assortment of yoga postures that aid in burning calories and helping ensure fitness.
  • Paschimottasana is an erect forward bend that must be completed.
  • Yoga poses such as Bridge, also known as Setu Bandhasana, are advised daily practice.
  • Virabhadrasana, also known as warrior pose, is an additional excellent yoga pose.
  • Pavanamuktasana, or wind-relieving pose, is a remedy for diabetes patients.
  • Mayurasana, also referred to as the peacock pose, is another advantageous asana.

Yoga is best practised under the supervision of an experienced Yoga instructor. Alongside Yoga, Pranayama or breathing exercises are strongly suggested. Bhastrika and Nadi Shodhana aid in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.


It is undisputed that Ayurveda is a great option for the most effective diabetes treatment. The wellness program offered by Ayurveda ensures the best health. It advises not just supplements but a healthy lifestyle and diet change that includes Yoga and Pranayama. These actions are not only to keep blood sugar levels in the right direction but also to maintain wellness. Ayurveda provides an easy and safe method to manage diabetes.

Ayurveda Clinics in Chandigarh offer all the details about treatment and remedies for those who have diabetes. Visit their clinic before beginning the Ayurveda treatment for diabetes.

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