A Beginner’s Guide to Golf: What Every New Golfer Should Know

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Over three million Americans played golf for the first time in 2020—are you keen to try it out for 2021?

Golf is a popular sport with adults and kids of all ages, as you can play at your own pace. Plus, it’s exciting, social, and lots of fun, with lots of golf courses found all over the country.

Are you thinking about trying out golf this year? If so, this beginner’s guide to golf will help you find out everything you need to know!

Invest in a Few Lessons

Playing golf is simple—just pop your ball onto the tee and give it a whack, right? Not so fast—while the PGA pros make golf look effortless, the truth is that it’s a complex sport.

If you’re new to golf, the best thing you can do is hire a coach or pro for a few lessons. They’ll teach you some of the basics, helping you learn how to hold your club, swing, and putt.

Sure, you can teach yourself, but if you’re eager to learn, it makes sense to invest in lessons. You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn after just a few lessons.

Almost every club will offer group or private lessons, so they’re easy to find.

Do Plenty of Online Learning Too

In addition to lessons, you might also want to spend some time reading about the rules of golf. Some of them can be confusing, so you’ll enjoy the game much more if you understand what’s going on.

You can find plenty of books on golf, but there are also lots of free resources online. Don’t underestimate the importance of Youtube either—watching videos can be a big help when it comes to your form and technique.

Understand Your Clubs

As a new golfer, think about investing in a set of clubs. Yes, they can be expensive, but good quality clubs will last for decades–or, save money by purchasing a set secondhand.

While there are plenty of types of clubs, here are some of the most common.


Your driver is your club to use when teeing off. It’s usually the longest club in your bag, with the biggest head, and will allow you to hit the ball the farthest.


Another key golf club is the putter. As the name implies, you’ll use this club for putting the ball short distances.

Some are shaped like a blade, while others look more like a mallet—try both options in a golf shop and decide which you like best.

Putting your ball into the hole is one of the hardest parts of golf, so go easy on yourself if you’re struggling to get it right!

Sand Wedge

As a new golfer, we have some bad news—you’re likely to land your ball in a sand trap on a few occasions. Luckily, the sand wedge is there to help.

This club is designed for popping your ball up out of the sand, but you can also use it for any short shot.

3 and 5-Woods

Golfers tend to use wood, or wood/iron hybrids, as mid-range clubs. You’ll use these for mid-distances—after you’ve teed off, but when you’re still far away from the hole.

There are lots of options for both woods and hybrids, but if you’re unsure, know that many new golfers love hybrids because they can be easier to get the ball high in the air.

In addition to clubs, you’ll also want a golf bag, tees, balls, and lightweight, breathable golf clothing—plus, comfortable golf shoes.

Find a Friend to Practice With

Once you’ve had a few lessons and you’re getting the hang of things, why not find a friend to practice with? Ideally, consider teaming up with another beginner, as you’ll both be on the same level when it comes to your skills.

Going to a driving range can be a great way to practice your techniques, but it can also be a fun and social way to meet new people.

Have Patience

Remember, Tiger Woods didn’t win the Masters overnight! It takes years to become an expert in golf, so have patience.

Everyone has to start somewhere, so don’t expect it to be easy in the beginning. However, with regular practice, you’ll soon see your game start to improve.

Consider Joining a Club

Once you’ve gotten into the groove with your golf game, think about joining a club. Becoming a member of a private club can be a lot of fun, opening the door for social and networking opportunities.

As a club member, you can also invite guests to the club, which can be useful for business meetings and events.

Many clubs also have amenities like pools, restaurants, and special events, so there’s always something to get involved with.

If you’re new to clubs, here’s how to choose a private golf club.

This Beginner’s Guide to Golf Will Help You Master the Sport

We hope this beginner’s guide to golf has been helpful! Golf is not only great exercise, but is also a lot of fun and can be enjoyed year-round, so there’s plenty of reasons to get started.

If you’re ready to try it out, look for a local golf club near you and inquire about taking a lesson. You’re sure to love the thrills and challenges of golf—we’ll see you out on the course!

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