5 Signs of Aging (and What You Can Do About Them)

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Are you worried about rapidly aging? While everyone’s appearance changes as they age, that doesn’t mean you can’t slow down the process. By reducing the most obvious signs of aging, you’ll look youthful and vibrant for a very long time. To help get you started, here are five common signs of aging and what you can do about them. Remember, aging is nothing to be ashamed of, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fight off the wrinkles!  

1: Fine Lines

What’s one obvious sign that you’ve been on the planet for a couple of extra years? Fine lines. Don’t worry – they happen to everyone, so don’t think you’re the only one with lines around your eyes and forehead! Usually, they occur because of facial expressions, especially if you squint, frown, or smile a lot. One option to reduce fine lines is to upgrade your skincare routine with a good exfoliator, retinol, moisturizer, and SPF. With consistency, a good skincare routine will smooth them out.

If you want to really target fine lines, Botox is another option. Choosing the right Botox services will smooth out the fine lines, leaving you completely line-free. It works by freezing some of the muscles in the area (usually crow’s feet or forehead). Most people get Botox every couple of months, but you can speak to your practitioner about how long it lasts. Also, you shouldn’t worry about the “frozen” look, as most Botox treatments are extremely subtle!

2: Age Spots

Age spots (also known as liver spots) are flat, dark spots that can appear anywhere on the skin. You will usually find them on your face, chest, and hands. That’s because the sun causes age spots, so any area of your body that gets exposed to sunlight is at risk of developing them. While they cannot be reversed completely, a good retinoid can help reduce the appearance. Don’t forget to wear SPF, too – it’s never too late to start!  

3: Dry, Dull Skin

Most younger people have oily skin, which is why so many teenagers suffer from acne breakouts. While oily skin can stay with you throughout adulthood, you’ll usually find your skin type changes to dry. The signs might be subtle. For example, you’ll notice your matte foundation no longer lasts. Or, your skincare regime may leave your skin feeling tight rather than refreshed and hydrated.

To combat dry skin caused by aging, incorporate exfoliation into your skincare routine to remove dead skin cells. Don’t forget to add hydrating products to your skincare pile, too – hyaluronic acid works particularly well for adding extra moisture even to the driest of skin.

4: Thinning Hair

Thick, luscious hair is a sign of youth. Unfortunately, those locks tend to thin out with age, leaving you with flat hair that you don’t know what to do with. Fortunately, you don’t have to say goodbye to thick locks forever. If your hair has thinned out significantly, it could indicate a deficiency, so consider seeing your doctor. Going to a high-quality stylish can also help, as the right hairstyle will add volume.

5: Sagging Skin

Your face (and the rest of your body) doesn’t stay firm forever. As time passes, you might notice sagging, which is a big sign of aging. There are a handful of treatments to both prevent and treat it. If you’re still young (think twenties and thirties), the chances are you don’t need anything major – a good skincare routine and possibly laser resurfacing should be enough to keep your skin tight. For those in their later years, more drastic measures may be used, such as a facelift.

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