What Are Some Top Singapore Preschool Programs?

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If you desire to enrol your child into a preschool in Singapore, you might not be aware of what aspect to look for in a preschool and may only depend on public reviews and recommendations. There are different Singapore preschool programs where you can enrol your child based on what suits them.

In this article, you will learn about some of the most popular types of preschool programs in Singapore and how important each of them is to your child’s education. This way, you can decide what preschool program can suit your child and what they can get out of it.

Types of Singapore Preschools

Some of the top preschool programs in Singapore are as follows:

●  The Montessori

One of the most common preschool programs in Singapore is the Montessori, which Maria Montessori founded in the early 20th century. Being a physician, she was an expert in scientific examination and observation. Using these skill sets to educate children, she came to know that children, by nature, want to learn. She observed that children learn from their surroundings and environment and can teach themselves.

Importance of the best Montessori schools in Singapore

The importance of this Singapore preschool program is that when Maria discovered children’s ability to learn on their own, she incorporated this knowledge into her teaching style. Teachers in this preschool environment serve as a partner to students and guide them in different topics like Maths, Science, and Arts.

●  Reggio Emilia

Similar to Montessori, the approach of Reggio Emilia to early childhood learning was founded in Italy by Loris Malaguzzi. They operate on an interesting school of thought, “100 languages of children”, which reflects a belief that young children communicate more than verbal language. The founder was aware of how children could connect, express and explore in different ways.

Importance of the Reggio Emilia approach

Under this approach, children are provided with the freedom to explore any topic of their interest. The best schools in Singapore under this preschool program provide freedom to your child to explore topics of their interest to any extent. Under this preschool, children are encouraged to search, explore and discover solutions to open-minded topics and projects to promote self-learning out of curiosity.

●  Waldorf Steiner

If you are searching for preschools, Waldorf Steiner is one of the best schools in Singapore. This preschool was founded based on the educational principle of Rudolf Steiner. These types of preschools are interesting as they were originally created for children of the Waldorf-Astoria company but later adopted by several countries worldwide.

Importance of the Waldorf Steiner approach

This education system tends to believe that a child’s education needs to be divided into three stages, each comprising seven years. They are considered one of the best schools in Singapore, and they believe that young children should learn how to read and write rather than to understand conceptual ideas.

To sum it up

If you need to enrol your child in preschool, you can opt for any of the Singapore preschool programs mentioned above. Each of them is unique in its ideas, and based on what your child needs, you can opt for any of these preschool programs.

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