See the World! How to Become a Professional Traveler

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Over 71% of millennials don’t care about their jobs, and if given the opportunity, would change careers. Why is it that so many people stay in jobs that they hate, living for the weekends and holidays to make the most out of their lives? It seems that people think that’s the way it has to be. But it doesn’t! What if we told you that you could get paid to travel the world? Yes, you heard that right. You could get paid to do something you love! You can do that by becoming a professional traveler.

Keep reading for the insider tips on how to travel the world and make money doing it!

Prepare to Make Money on Your Own

It’s pretty daunting to quit your job and find a way to make money on your own. You’re saying goodbye to making a steady salary to make the trade-off for doing something you love. But in reality, you have to make money in order to travel the world.

Taking courses, reading blogs, and learning from the people who have already started working in the travel industry will give you a leg up to start your journey as a professional traveler. You have to put in the research to ensure you understand how to make money so that you don’t end up back in a job you hate.

Practice Photography to Land Gigs

While you travel the world, you’re most likely going to be snapping a lot of photos of the different places and sights you see. Why not try to sell these?

Before you try selling, you should take a basic photography course to know the ins and outs of good photography. You’ll learn about lighting, angles, composition, and other ways to make your photography stand out.

Once you polish your photography skills, your photos may begin to sell. Hotels, restaurants, and brands may even begin asking you to photograph some of their products or destinations to use for their own advertising. This is where some of the big bucks can come in!

Utilize Social Media Partnerships

If you become a travel blogger and use photography as part of your documentation of your travels, social media is a great place to put your photos or videos.

If you have amazing photos on your social media channels, you may start to notice different brands reaching out to you for partnerships. It you’re just getting started, you probably will have to reach out to brands yourself.

When working with brands, you are able to set your own rates and negotiate with the company. If they want a picture and Instagram story frames, you can charge more than you would for just one photo. If they want a video of their product, you can charge a higher rate as well.

You can also start to sell yourself with social media packages. For instance, if a brand or hotel wants to work long-term, you’ll be getting more money from them and they’ll have a higher return on their investment.

Start Your Own Travel Blog

So many people claim that blogs are dead. This is the furthest thing from the truth when you are trying to make yourself an income on your own.

By becoming a travel blogger, you can diversify your income in several different ways. On your blog, you can incorporate affiliate links which are links that you get income for when someone clicks on it or buys something from it. You can also utilize ads across your blog content so that if a visitor to your website clicks on one, you’ll get paid.

Utilizing ads and affiliate links is a way to make passive income on your blog. If you are looking to make more of an active income through your blog, you can also sponsor brands with blog content. As a travel blogger, you can write a hotel review in exchange for money or a free stay at the hotel.

Begin Freelance Writing

Freelance writing and freelance jobs are the perfect way to travel the world while still making an income. Whether you choose to travel the entire world or just road trips around the country, you are still seeing the world while making money.

If you choose to stay in the country while traveling, building out a camper van or getting a travel vehicle like Caravan Woods is the perfect way to stay comfortable while road tripping and working.

As a freelance writer, you can choose to be absolutely anywhere while you work and write.

Do you feel like looking over the Grand Canyon while you write an article? You’re free to do that! Do you prefer to park yourself by the ocean on the California coast and write with the smell of salty air and a fresh breeze coming in your travel vehicle? You can do that, too!

Freelance writing gives you a great income and the chance to travel the world while you work.

Ready to Become a Professional Traveler?

With so many different ways to become a professional traveler, making money while you travel the world, it’s a wonder why not everyone does it!

These traveling tips should get you started on your journey to becoming a professional traveler in no time! You can try all of them or focus on one that is really calling your name.

Did you enjoy these ideas on how to become a professional traveler? Check out more of our blog posts under our Travel and Adventure category for more travel inspo!

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