Leading Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

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What exactly is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction, also called ED or male impotence, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection on repeated experiences. It defines ED as failing to achieve or maintain an erection for intimate intercourse.

At least 25 percent of men over the age of 50 are diagnosed with ED. The numbers continue to rise as age increases. Young males can suffer from erectile function as well. Approximately 8-10% of men between 20-30 years old experience ED.

When ED occurs in young men, there is frequently a vital psychological component to its origin. Psychologically related ED may be more prevalent in young gay/homosensual men coming to terms with their sensuality.

What Actual Of Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Without sufficient blood flow to the male reproductive organs, there’s no action—and various factors can muck with the flow. Let’s explore the most frequent causes of ED, keeping in mind that there may be over one for some men.

Psychological causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) – is it all in your brain?

Even though you might think of erectile dysfunction as an older man’s issue, statistics show that this condition changes men of all ages. Almost 25% of new ED cases are men under the age of 40.

It frequently linked erectile dysfunction to underlying health problems such as heart disease or diabetes in older men. But what about young, healthy men? What justification is there for a 30-year-old man in excellent health to experience an erectile problem?

In the lack of physical health issues, we must delve deeper into determining the underlying cause of erectile function. What you may not realize is that psychological causes are a major contributing factor most times to ED. Data show that up to 20% of ED cases are psychological.

If you have erectile dysfunction and you can’t blame it on controlling health conditions, you might feel like your problems are all in your head. While the psychological pain may be at the root of your situation, they are just as valid as several physiological causes for ED. Continue studying to learn more about the psychological causes of ED and what you can do to resolve them. Treat your ED issue by using Vidalista 60 and Fildena.

What are the Most Frequent Psychological causes of ED?

Sometimes, men who experience abuse or sensual trauma in childhood may improve erectile issues later in life. If you have had this kind of experience, the chances are excellent that erectile dysfunction is not your only struggle, and you should seriously professional help. Though childhood trauma is an entirely valid reason for developing ED, we’re going to focus on the psychological issues that develop later in life.

When psychological triggers cause erectile dysfunction, they refer to it as psychological impotence. Some of the most frequent causes of this type of ED add:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship problems
  • Depression
  • Performance anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Low self-esteem
  • Pornography addiction

It correlated many of these triggers, and they may affect you by over one. Let’s now inspect each of these causes for psychological ED.

What are the Physical causes of ED?

It related the most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction to circulation and blood pressure. Heart disease, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure can all affect the number of blood flowing to the male reproductive organs. Diabetes leads to ED by damaging your nerves and blood vessels. Taking specific medications is also connecting with causing or exacerbating ED.

Obesity and metabolic syndrome can cause blood pressure, body composition, and cholesterol, leading to ED. Other conditions that may contribute to erectile dysfunction comprise Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, sleep disorders, Peyronie’s disease, alcoholism, smoking, and drug abuse. Taking specific medications can also increase your risk for ED.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction? 

If you regularly cannot get an erection when you want one or regularly can’t keep an erection lengthy sufficient to have intimacy, you have ED. While you may feel ashamed to bring the subject up, it’s worth discussing with your doctor since erections serve as an essential evaluation for other aspects of your health. Remember, ED is a medical condition, not a particular failing, and it’s one that your doctor has likely discussed with several other men—and will have a slew of options that will help you get back in business. Here’s how that doc visit will probably go down.

Treatment Option:

For men being treated for erectile function, referral to a mental healthcare expert should be considered promoting treatment adherence, reduce performance anxiety, and integrate treatments into a intimate relationship.

Clinicians should counsel men with ED with comorbidities known to negatively affect erectile function that lifestyle modifications, including changes in diet and increased physical activity, improve overall health and improve erectile function.  

I should inform men with ED regarding the treatment option of FDA-approved oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i). Including discussing benefits and risks/burdens unless contraindicated.  Try PDE-5 remedy – Vidalista 40 and Tadalista to reduce ED problem.

Intracavernosal injection:

They injected this medication into the base of the male reproductive organs to stimulate an erection when sensually aroused.

Vacuum erection device:

They placed a tube around the male reproductive organs, and a hand-powered or battery-powered pump sucks the air out of the tube, causing a vacuum effect. This ‘vacuum’ allows blood to flow into the male reproductive organs, allowing for a proper erection.


Testopel is a male reproduction hormone that works as a testosterone replacement therapy for men who suffer from moderate to severe erectile dysfunction.

Inflatable penile prosthesis:

A surgical procedure involves placing a reservoir and pump into the body as a type of penile reconstruction. I do this procedure when an apparent medical reason for ED is not likely to be resolved. 

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