Comprehension Modes: How Consumers Know About Products Through Packaging?

packaging boxes
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Packaging boxes play the vital role of a silent salesman. These are self-promotion tools of marketing that attract consumers’ attention and stimulate brands’ sales volume. Even if a product does not go through any advertising, its sales volume and market share continue to grow.

This happens because of the customized packaging. Therefore, the design team of The Legacy Printing is a leading boxes packaging company that optimizes the findability of lip gloss packaging boxe while also considering the image it can create by being displayed on the shelf. A good packaging box can properly communicate a product for better comprehension.

To find and comprehend them easily, packaging and marketing experts expose product contents through such visual elements as text, graphics, name, color, trademark, logo, shape, size, and texture. Some packaging and branding experts believe that “comprehensibility” is the essential condition of the design. Customized packaging is the most immediate stimulus for buyers and consumers. Brands usually use selected to varied visual elements. Consumers have different degrees of attention and ways of comprehending and storing information. 

Every customer has different comprehension and interpretation even if they are looking at an identical product. The packaging and design experts expose the products with a combination of visual elements while consumers try to identify them according to their personal experiences and habits. The visual design elements of custom lip gloss wholesale influence consumers’ decisions and choices as it has become an advantage in competition.

Packaging can attract consumers’ attention, transform the product’s message, impress consumers with the product’s image, and distinguish one product from another. Therefore, the custom lip gloss manufacturer believes that the communication interface between the producer and the consumer comprises two parts: shape and structure design (structure and shape) and exterior graphic design (color, typography, and decoration). According to the differentiation in packaging design elements, they can be divided into two categories. I.e., visual and functional:

(a) Aesthetic design element

Shape (form), color, illustration (lines, patterns, symbols, graphics, and pictures), logo and brand, typography (company, brand and product name), pattern design (lines, patterns, photos, illustrations), brand name, and address, product facts and volume (or weight), usage instructions, ingredients, and decoration to form a layout.

(b) Functional design element

These include structure design (storage, transportation, opening, protection, and resealing functions), volume design (economic function), and material design (emotional appeal and window presence value).

Here the visually aesthetic elements attract the consumers and persuade the consumers into buying your product immediately. On the other hand, the functional design elements help create a wonderful and memorable unboxing experience for the consumers.

Consumer’s Perceptual Process 

Most consumers do a visual search and interpret a product through some perceivable messages. They prefer easily understandable package design. In general, consumers will actively search for information beneficial for their interpretation of the product. They like the types of information and way of exposure on the packaging box—some focus on the price, some care about after-service, guarantee, and helpful and valuable information, and some emphasize product appearance. 

The custom lip gloss manufacturer has a preference for package design. It creates differentiation in packaging with the visual elements mentioned above to attract consumers. Hence, it is best to use easily understandable visual features to attract prospective consumers when designing the packaging boxes.

Consumer’s Perceptual Process is divided into three stages: exposure, attention. And comprehension. The products are exhibited using visual elements that attract customers’ attention. The visual stimuli created by these visual elements help consumers comprehend the product contents. Once buyers or customers notice the stimulative information on the packaging box, they can start interpreting it by organizing, comparing, inferring, and then comprehending the product.

Information Processing through Custom Lip Gloss Wholesale 

Psychologically speaking, the uniqueness of packaging design will affect consumers’ acceptance of a product. Product design stimulates consumers’ attention. Then, the consumers interpret the information created by the visual elements on the custom packaging box to comprehend the product. Again, the interpretation includes three steps: organization, comparison, and inference. 

Only through the three steps, the consumers’ understanding can be completed. Consumers organize. And categorize specific visual elements or combinations. Next, they infer the stimuli features according to their own subjective experience and produce meaningful information stimuli.

Differentiation in Package Design 

As mentioned previously, a brand’s packaging box is its salesman on the shelf. Therefore.Identified, and included in the list of products consumers want to buy. Most busy shoppers do not stop to look carefully at a particular item. The best way to analyze and determine the quality of the packaging box’s design is to understand product information. It can help consumers learn about the brand name and brand properties and thus form a brand association.

This is also helpful in building brand image and identity. Therefore, the brands and sellers are suggested to understand why the visual design of the packaging is so important. Effective package design can help consumers easily find their desired products or tell the difference by visual search. For example, highlighting the brand or the features of the packaging box (distinctive color, convenient structure, unique figure, individualized font) for communication of design messages can improve package findability, draw short-term attention, and boost sales. 

Colors, figures, typesetting volume, texture. And material are all design elements used to build brand images and personality. Package design visually expresses distinguishing features of your product and helps a specific group of consumers conduct expected purchase behavior. Product packaging is genuinely an essential factor in affecting buying decisions. 

Including shape, brand name, pattern, color, and attached product information. The Legacy Printing believes that the most attention-grabbing features of every custom packaging box are the color, logo, and typography. Therefore, these are also the most important factors of package design in differentiating the brand and making a buying decision.

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