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In 2020 and so far in 2021, the cases of Covid 19 have been in a progressive increase, which makes public health face collapse and many families have raised and raised the need to hire private health insurance.

With the successive waves and now in this third, the facilities and public health personnel cannot cope with the number of patients. In an effort to save lives, health personnel are sometimes forced to prioritize the care of the most serious patients or those with the greatest chances of survival, sending many patients to undergo treatment at home, and many families are faced with this. They felt the need to contract health services to guarantee the safety of their members.

There are different types of insurance in Spain, and there is even the possibility of contracting death insurance, which, anticipating the worst of the pandemic, has also become quite popular.

For many it is not a long-term decision, but rather a way to prevent the problems caused during the pandemic.

The coverage offered by public health in general is not the one that many prefer, so they usually complement with private health , which is why in Spain there are a large number of people with this type of insurance who could already feel the tranquility that this provides, since the beginning of the pandemic.

For those who want to be part of this statistic, the opinions of health insurance have been of vital importance to know where it is worth investing their money, and not to be surprised about misleading insurance coverage that does not usually help too much. If you are part of the group that has considered this possibility, more than just online opinions, it is necessary to take into account that insurance does not guarantee better prognoses in case of contagion, however, it can favor the economy of families, and improve the care the patient receives, to some extent.

The most outstanding detail or that should be consulted is how the insurer works in relation to Covid-19. Many insurers, perhaps as a way of insuring your capital, include rules where insurance coverage does not cover pandemics and epidemics, and if you already have insurance with this regulation, it will not be of any benefit in that particular case. Insurance itself has the advantage of offering medical care and hospitalization, so in the event of any emergency during crowds in hospitals due to coronavirus cases, it can be of great benefit.

But not all insurance is the same , so it is worth reading the fine print when hiring one, whether during the pandemic or outside of it. Many have coverage for specific pathologies, others guarantee reimbursement for hospital expenses and others exclude specific events from their coverage. It is important to note that waiting times for analyzes and consultations can be much shorter in private health , and inpatient care more comfortable, but with this we are addressing the generic advantages that medical insurance can have, but in the case of Covid -19, as we mentioned before, there are certain special conditions applied by insurance.

Depending on the insurer, these can cover different elements related to the coronavirus, but without a doubt, they do not completely cover what is related to this pathology. They can cover initial evaluation and diagnostic analysis, such as PCR, but after that they send the cases to the public sector for treatment, especially when it comes to patients who require hospitalization or intensive care. The most common medical insurances do not usually cover treatment for diseases such as the coronavirus (associated with a pandemic), but if it is true that due to its development, they have granted certain questions, such as analysis and studies requested.

After so many months living in this situation, many still wonder if it is worth it or not to hire an insurance company, but the truth is that the specific conditions of each case will tell whether or not it is a good idea, as well as the type of insurance that hire. If your intention is to have support in a case of covid-19, it is necessary to verify in great detail what the policy intends to cover , on the other hand if you want to have the option of private medical care to avoid hospitals crowded by cases of coronavirus , it can be a good investment.

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