4 Email Marketing Strategies for Interior Designers

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Be it an office or a house, developing a property is a once-in-a-lifetime happening for most people due to the unfathomable monetary and energy-wise commitment required. As such, it’s natural for people to want their house to be the best that they’ve ever seen – at least in their eyes – and to have every detail cater to their liking. 

And that’s where interior designers come in! Able to see beyond what the common man’s eye can view, interior designers are trained in turning any place into one that is aesthetically pleasing and fitting of the desired vibe – be it cozy, clean, or even whimsical!

But simply knowing your craft and being good at it is no longer enough. With rising competition, it’s difficult to get noticed, which is why interior designers must actively market themselves if they’re to secure a growing clientele base. And what better way to do this than with email itself!

Here’s how to market your interior design business via email marketing strategies:

  1. Use an Email Marketing Tool

Before you even start looking at the nitty-gritty of your email campaigns and how they can be approved, it’s onto the big fish: an email marketing tool. Designed to help individuals create and carry out email campaigns from start to finish, email marketing tools act as an all-in-one place solution to your email needs. 

And what better tool to use than PosterMyWall’s own email marketing software? Not only is the tool perfect for creating email campaigns due to its flexibility, but it also allows complete customization! Users can browse through a large collection of small business email templates and then edit them to their preferences, helping them achieve the perfect aesthetic for their interior design business. 

And the best part? You can make use of PosterMyWall’s services without disrupting your budget due to its price-friendly nature!

  1. Don’t ignore the Subject Line

No matter how great your email content may be, the first thing that your email list will see is your subject line, and if that’s not right then the rest all goes to waste. Make sure your subject line is catchy and grabs the attention of the viewer, reeling them in to explore further. 

While the content of your subject line will vary depending on the email, some good tips to make it stand out are to include the recipient’s name, add a time-bound offer, and mention any special deals that you have going on. Not only will these strategies help increase your online traction, but they’ll also get your user base excited, pushing them to further seek your business!

  1. Add catchy CTAs

Bravo! Your email managed to secure a good open rate, but now what? If your emails are consistently being clicked on and opened, but you’re still failing to see results in the form of increasing customers and queries, then the problem could be in your email itself! 

It’s not enough to simply tell your potential and existing user base about your services – you also need to redirect them to a separate platform or at least share your contact details at the end of the email.

Of course, the best way is to simply add links to your website, Facebook page, and Instagram, all of which hold robust ways of communication. Not only will your potential customer be able to explore further on their own, but it’ll also help acquire people who were interested but turned away because they weren’t able to contact you. 

  1. Add Visuals!

This one’s a no-brainer! As an interior designer, the first thing that your clients – potential or existing – judge you by are your aesthetic sensibilities. How good can you make a room look? Are you able to fit two clashing colors together and still make it a scene to remember? These, and many other questions arise in their minds, and the best way to answer them is by adding visuals to your emails!

Not only will your email list be able to see exactly what you’re offering, but your convincing power will also skyrocket given the proof of your previous work. Of course, it’s important to make sure that the images you select are of high quality and varied, so that your visuals cater to all types of customer preferences. 

So, if you’re looking to grow your interior design business by utilizing email marketing, then these tips and tricks are your go-to. Just be sure to let the creativity in your work shine through, and the customers will pour in like never before!

Featured image:

Source: (https://unsplash.com/photos/IH7wPsjwomc


  • Email
  • Marketing
  • Interior
  • Design 
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