What Are Pooled Funds?: An Introductory Guide

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In a recent poll performed by Gallup, results revealed that 56 percent of Americans own stock. These are stocks owned individually or jointly in mutual funds or self-directed IRAs and 401Ks.

What if we told you that pooled funds might be a smart investment option for you to help secure your retirement?

Investing in the stock market is an opportunity to grow your money. As the stock market rises in value, your investments in stable companies grow with it. The result is profit and increased opportunity to build long-term wealth.

As an investor, you also take advantage of dividend income. Some stocks pay investors annual payments even if the stock loses value.

Do you think pooled funds are a smart investment option for you? Get all the details and answers in this introductory guide.

What Are Pooled Funds?

Sometimes individual investors cluster their funds together in one portfolio. They aggregate these funds for the sake of benefiting from low trading costs and diversification.

This investment community refers to this type of clustering as pooling funds.

Pooled funds include investment vehicles such as pension funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, and investment trusts. A professional fund manager oversees the pool. They make sure all individual investors benefit equally.

How to Choose a Pooled Investment Fund

Anyone can invest in public pooled funds. However, there are private-pooled funds that require investors to meet certain qualifications.

Before you invest in either, do your homework. Look at the history of the fund and check its profitability in the market. Also, examine the background of the fund managers.

Choose a fund based on facts:

  • How long has the fund been in existence?
  • Do the fund managers regularly evaluate the fund?
  • Does the fund have underwriting criteria?
  • What are the returns for the investor?
  • Are there protocols in place for de-investing in the fund? Are there fees associated with removing funds?

Investing is a long-term financial goal, so choose wisely. Take time to study all the available investment vehicles before selecting the one that’s right for you. This blog explains more on the subject.

How Do You Make Money in a Pooled Fund?

People invest to make money. Pooled funds offer investors the opportunity to make a substantial amount of money. Here’s how a pooled fund pays you:

1. Preferred Return

A minimum returned that’s paid to investors in the pooled fund before investment managers earn a performance fee.

2. Dividend

A reward investors receive from the investment vehicle’s net profits.

3. Payouts From Capital Gains

Gains—increase in the fund’s asset value—accumulated by the fund throughout the year. Fund managers distribute these gains to investors before the year ends.

All funds have their own set terms and conditions. Some may require longer investment periods before you receive a return.

Consider Investing

Pooled funds are smart investment alternatives for people with long-term financial goals. Consider your options and start planning for the future.

Let us help you plan for retirement. Check out our lifestyle guide for more tips and hacks about day-to-day living.

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