How Can a Fundraising Consultant Help You? A Brief Guide

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Fundraising increased 3.8% in 2020. Yes, even during the pandemic, people found ways to donate to their favorite nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofits live and breathe by the amount of money they raise each year. Most administrators can’t keep up with fundraising because they’re focused on serving the community at large.

It could be time to hire a fundraising consultant to help you with your strategic goals. Keep reading to discover what fundraising consulting firms can do for your nonprofit organization.

Provide Fundraising Goals

Are your fundraising goals just in line with your operating expenses? That’s no way to run a nonprofit organization. Your organization will just get by month after month.

A fundraising consultant will look at the financials of your organization and deliver achievable fundraising goals.

Create a Fundraising Plan

You might have a couple of big fundraisers each year that take up a lot of time. One is the big event or gala that raises most of your budget. The other is the year-end reminder for donors to make their tax-deductible donations.

Nonprofit administrators are usually behind on these two projects, which makes other fundraising activities difficult.

Fundraising consulting firms come in and give you a complete fundraising plan. You’ll get in-person and virtual fundraising ideas.

Assess Current Systems

How often do you interact with your donors? Do you only interact with them when you need money? That can leave your donors feeling like they’re nothing more than ATMs.

Fundraising consulting firms look at your systems and make improvements. They know how often you need to reach out to donors and what the key messages are.

Hold a Successful Capital Campaign

A capital campaign is a fundraising campaign that raises a significant amount of money in a short period of time. These campaigns are often for property improvements or purchases.

It’s difficult to get your donor base on board with capital improvements. A fundraising consultant takes you through each step of the capital campaign process, from planning to execution.

The most important part of the capital campaign is the feasibility study. A fundraising consultant takes an objective view and gets honest responses from all stakeholders involved.

Align Fundraising With Your Mission

For many nonprofits, their fundraising is all over the place. Some volunteers have ideas for fundraisers, and they get the green light just to get extra cash in the door.

Over time, these ideas don’t have any thought into the mission of the organization. They’re rushed and generate little revenue.

In order for your fundraising to have a significant impact, your fundraising efforts need to connect to the mission and vision of the organization.

That gives your fundraising purpose and you get buy-in from the community. Fundraising consultants ensure that this happens.

What Happens When You Hire a Fundraising Consultant?

A fundraising consultant has a significant impact on your organization. You have fundraising goals, a plan to achieve them, and systems in place to execute them. Your campaigns raise more funds because they’re aligned with your mission.

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