Airsoft vs BB Guns: The Differences Explained

Airsoft vs BB Guns: The Differences Explained
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Everyone knows the dangers of real guns. Fewer people know that air guns can be just as dangerous. 39 people have suffered heart injuries due to air guns, with five people dying.

One reason why people keep getting hurt is that they can’t tell the difference between guns. Airsoft vs BB guns is a distinction you should be able to make.

What are airsoft and BB guns, and what makes them different? What are their ramifications for safety? Which one is more affordable and easier for beginners to operate?

Answer these questions and you can shoot your air guns without serious eye or heart injuries. Here is your quick guide.

What Is an Airsoft Gun?

Airsoft guns are replica guns that shoot small plastic pellets instead of live bullets. They are designed so the shooter can engage in recreational shooting without violating the law or harming themselves.

You may have heard of “airsoft.” This is a game that mimics warfare, during which players shoot at each other. This is what most airsoft guns are used for, though some law enforcement units use them for training.

Most airsoft guns are rifles. But you can find handguns or revolvers.

Most of them are powered through springs, which drive air pumps to propel pellets through the barrel. There are some battery-powered and gas-powered guns, and you can buy rare hybrid guns.

You may have heard of “pellet guns.” This is a term used interchangeably with airsoft guns, though the term applies to rifles more than handguns.

What Is a BB Gun?

Like airsoft guns, BB guns are replicas designed to shoot small ammunition. But BB guns use lead and steel balls, which are more powerful than the pellets in airsoft guns.

Manufacturers design them so they look and act like real guns. This means that they fire at fast velocities, sometimes upward of 550 feet per second. Most airsoft guns do not fire at more than 500 feet per second.

BB guns are used for target practice. But they are common amongst farmers and pest controllers looking to kill rodents. Some hunters use them to kill small game like low-flying birds.

Gun Safety

Both airsoft and BB guns are dangerous to use if safety guidelines are not followed. Anyone shooting a gun should wear eye and ear protection. They should hold their gun in front of their body, pointing it away from their body or at objects that can cause a ricochet.

While they are not firing it, they should keep their finger off the trigger. Their pointer finger should lie along the barrel of their gun, with their other fingers bent away.

When they are preparing to fire, they can move their finger toward the trigger. But they should not press it until they are ready to fire. Gloves help promote grip and protect the hands in case the gun goes off accidentally.

The integrity of steel balls and the high velocity of BB guns make them the least safe option for replica firearms. But airsoft guns can be dangerous as well. A pellet can penetrate soft tissue, especially in the eye or hand.

Steel balls can bounce off of hard objects. Brick, concrete, or metal objects can deflect balls back toward the shooter. Balls can shatter glass, cutting the shooter or someone standing nearby.

Airsoft and BB guns do resemble real firearms. Some guns have markings to indicate that they are fake, but these markings can fall off or get painted over.

It is very important to leave replica guns at home. Do not carry one into a public space, and do not approach a police officer with one.

Shooting a Gun

BB guns tend to be more accurate than airsoft guns. The plastic pellets that airsoft guns use can drift in the wind, especially on breezy days. But steel balls do not drift.

Both are good for short-distance shooting. The higher velocity of BB guns means that they are better for long-distance targets. But airsoft guns may be better for indoor shooting because they are safer.

Beginners can learn how to fire either type. Some shooting ranges offer classes in them, but parents also teach their children how to shoot.

Buying a Gun

Airsoft and BB guns are widely available. You can purchase one at a local sports store or through an online retailer. Some states prohibit the sale of air guns to minors, and some states prohibit minors from owning air guns.

Some guns are cheap, costing less than 20 dollars to buy. Others are very expensive, with some costing thousands of dollars.

In general, airsoft and BB guns have the same prices. If you want a high-end product for shooting sports you can add 80 lower receiver , gun lens in your existing guns or you can buy a gun with all accessories at a very high rate.

Plastic pellets and steel balls cost roughly the same. Steel balls may be slightly cheaper, especially if you buy them in bulk.

You can swap out parts for your gun if they start to wear down. Keep in mind that parts do not go on guns that they are not designed for. Benjamin air rifle parts go with Benjamin air rifles, not other brands.

Airsoft vs BB Guns

The airsoft vs BB gun debate is a complicated one. Both products are replica guns that shoot ammunition. Airsoft guns are popular for shooting sports, while BB guns are good for hunting.

But airsoft guns fire at less velocity than BB guns. This means that they are safer and better for indoor targets. At the same time, BB guns are more accurate.

Both are at the same price. Both require extensive safety measures, including trigger discipline and protective gear.

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