SEO Pro: What Are the Top SEO Keywords?

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So, you wrote a bunch of excellent articles then put them on your website and you got virtually no clicks whatsoever. What could be going wrong? You’ve scratched your head and torn your hair out and you still can’t fathom why you’re not seeing the results you deserve. Great content needs to be read. Unfortunately, it’s not just as simple as all that. With over 1.8 billion websites out there and countless pages on each- your content needs to be optimized for the top SEO keywords.

But “what are keywords?” you ask. Keywords are one of the most important elements of search engine optimization. Without them, your words will get lost in the void.

Here’s a guide that will help you find top SEO keywords that will really make an impact on your ranking and ability to draw in the readers.

What Are Keywords Anyway?

Before we teach you how to find the top 10 SEO keywords, we need to discuss what a keyword is.

A keyword is a word or phrase that helps users find your content. If you optimize your keywords correctly by carrying out keyword research, you’ll be able to improve your ranking position in the search engine results pages, and as a result, attract more visitors to your site.

You should assign your content a primary keyword which will be the main phrase that you hope to rank for. You can also include secondary keywords in your content.

Before Carrying Out Keyword Research- Ask Lots of Questions

Before you start to research your keywords, you need to work out what the intent of your future readers is. To do this, you need to ask lots of questions.

Some questions you might want to ask should include: What are my readers looking for? How many people are looking for it? And, how do they want this information displayed?

What Are the Top SEO Keyword Tools?

If you want to make sure you’re using the top keywords, you’ll need to be using one of the top 10 SEO keyword tools.

There are plenty of keyword research tools out there from the HOTH, through to SEMRush. Even Google has keyword planning tools.

A keyword tool will let you see what the metrics for a given keyword or phrase might be. These metrics will help you decide what you should attempt to rank for.

Go for the Low Hanging Fruit

But how do you know from the metrics which keywords to go for?

Well, the keyword planner tool will tell you how popular a phrase is, and how difficult it will be to rank for.

You’ll want to go for a keyword that is popular enough, but that isn’t too difficult to rank for.

For instance, the keyword ‘Local SEO Tips’ is a great example of a phrase that you might want to try to rank for if you were writing about local SEO. It has a search volume of 390 and a Keyword Difficulty Index of 68.

Find Your Own Top SEO Keywords

To be in with a chance of ranking, you need the top SEO keywords in your content. Do thorough research and use keyword tools to find the right phrases for you.

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