7 Health Myths You Need To Let Go Of This Year

Health Myths
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I am sure all of us have been misinformed at some point of our lives. Whether it is excessive crying or putting ear waxes for a youthful glow, according to the skin clinics. it goes without saying how ridiculous some of these myths have been. But thank God to some sensible beings and the advent of science that now we can debunk these myths easily.

In my own hunt to actually separate fact from fiction, here are few baseless myths that you also need to get rid of today.

1.       Egg yolks make you fat

Absolutely not!!

The rich golden oozing goodness is surprisingly quite good for your health. It has healthy fats that are absolutely necessary if you are trying to maintain good health. Egg yolk has so much good cholesterol that it is a necessity for maintaining the healthy function of the heart. The best way to keep on a good footing of your health is having one egg for at least 3-5 times a week.

2.       Not eating is going to help in weight loss

For people who have been pushing you on the edge of nearly starving yourself, well do not listen to them at all. The starvation diet is one the worst things anyone can do to themselves. Not eating and functioning the same way is an absolute illusion that comes with a heavy price. If you are consistently exhausting your energy deficient chances are that you will eventually develop other problems such as bad skin, hair loss and even a weak immune system that is very dangerous in the long run. Even if you are able to shed some pounds through his. You will not be able to sustain your weight for long as it will lead to rebound weight.

3.       Coffee stunts your growth

From where I come from, people even used to consider coffee as ‘unholy’, so you can imagine the amount of baseless myths that we have around us. Coffee does not stunt development. The only time there is stunt development is when there is not enough calcium in a child’s diet. Scientifically there is little to no evidence between bone development and coffee consumption.

4.       Carrots will give you night vision

This myth originates from the myths of WW2. Pilots who used to shoot down enemies at night would often claim that it is because of their night vision that comes from carrot rich diets. Of course today, science does not approve of this research in any way. The benefits of carrots comes from the mineral of carotene. That is a good component of the eye, however no studies support the night vision myth.

5.       Cracking of the knuckles means an early sign of arthritis

Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that has nothing to do with cracking of the bones. This cracking bone theory originates from old wives tales where there is an understanding that knuckle cracking is a major bone disease. Of course, today we know that bone cracking is the popping of the fluid bubbles in our fingers and is not dangerous at all. According to the Lahore skin clinic, constant bone cracking can lead to weaker grip and even swelling of some of the fingers.

6.       Bottled water is healthy water

The truth is there is no ‘healthier’ version of water. Municipal water is as safe of an option as regular mineral water claims itself to be. You can directly get your water straight from the tap. In fact, bottled water is far less healthy for you than tap water. This is because usually bottes water comes in plastic bottles that are a direct derivative of unrefined petroleum. So next time you want to get bottled water, think about all the energy and the pollution it is going to cause in the environment.

7.       Sleeping right after eating is going to make you overweight

This is hands down one of my most favourite myths to debunk. There is no magic hour of eating right or wrong. While of course you should not eat your fill just moments before sleeping, but you do not have to necessarily starve yourself to death eiter. If you are feeling hungry before bed, you can get a small protein bar that will potentially increase your metabolism rate while you sleep. As long as you are eating right, you can go a little easy on yourself some times.

To wrap it all Healthy Myths up!

You hear all kinds of stories from time to time. Therefore it is important to verify, especially in the area of health next time you jump straight to a conclusion.

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